In every PR professional’s life, there are unforgettable campaigns that leave you stronger in your public relations skills and abilities.
While there’s nothing quite like going through one of these campaigns yourself, we can glean great insights from others’ experiences – and one of our own Pikes Peak PRSA members just wrapped up a crucial phase of a major effort that’s helped her significantly stretch and grow professionally. Pikes Peak PRSA Vice President Andy Sinclair played an integral role in announcing a new partnership between the MD Anderson Cancer Network and Centura Health, Penrose-St. Francis Health Services and St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center. At Wednesday’s monthly luncheon, Andy plans to share highlights including the following: · Effectively collaborating with communications professionals across multiple organizations · Evaluating and selecting the best communications channels · The lessons she learned as the campaign unfolded Also, as you’re considering how you’ll invest in your career this year, APR Chair Catherine Creppon will host a brief panel featuring Christy McGee, JP Arnold and me to discuss what becoming Accredited in Public Relations (APR) has meant to us and why we’d recommend the journey. Hope to see you at The Warehouse on Wednesday! You can register and pay online or RSVP and pay at the door. All the best, Andrew